Thursday, April 2, 2009

Opening Rant:

There is so much I don't know.  About Blogging:  etiquette, technical issues, what else is out there....but here goes.  RK gave me the final push (unknowingly).  Driving to Pt. Reyes, caffeinated, talking about all that we intend to do but haven't quite gotten around to.  Starting. Finishing. Broadcasting.  There's no time like the present.  I'm not prepared, but here's a running start.  For now, this will be an extension of my ever-present pocket books.  So many of them over the years filled with songs, observations, notes to self.  Sometimes interesting, sometimes not. 

One probably should have a focus with these things, and mine would have to be the world of sound.  I just want to hear it all.  Such a delightful feast for these buddha lobes.  They say your ears never stop growing...well then, these puppies are going to be dragging behind me by the time I get to geezerville.  I might be incapable of staying on topic.  Let's see where this goes. 

1 comment:

  1. YES! Great start! Keep writing and open our ears to what's in yours.
